Gestational diabetes: risks to mother and fetus

Gestational diabetes mellitus (see also gestational diabetes by the same author ed. ), if not properly treated, carries a risk to the mother than to the fetus; increases the risk of spontaneous abortion, even late (after the third trimester), and congenital malformations. Risks for the mother Complications that occur during pregnancy are of concern poliamnios […]


Acetazolamide is a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor used to treat hypertension, edema, heart failure, and glaucoma. Because carbon dioxide plays a key role in acid-base regulation mechanisms, this class of diuretics is the only one that can affect lung function. Acetazolamide has been shown to interfere with the elimination of carbon dioxide during exercise and also […]


Methenolone is a steroid used to treat osteoporosis, anemia and catabolic conditions, known as Primobolan. This substance is a DHT derivative capable of firmly binding the androgen receptor, does not convert to estrogen, therefore it does not give gynecomastia, water retention and suppresses the HPTA axis to a limited extent. This steroid has an A: […]

Oxylophrine (oxylophrine)

Oxylophrine is a sympathomimetic used to treat hypotensive conditions, with actions similar to those of ephedrine. This substance promotes the release of norepinephrine and, therefore, has indirect noradrenergic activity. Its main activity is at the level of the heart, where it has a positive inotropic and chronotropic effect (increases the heart rate and cardiac output). […]

Nitric Oxide Supplements to Improve Athletic and Sexual Performance

Nitric oxide: what it is, how it is produced and physiological functions Nitric oxide (NO) is a free radical nitrogen capable of oxidizing or reducing compounds with which it comes into contact. It is a powerful vasodilator commonly used in the inflammatory process against pathogens, viruses and cancer cells. It is a gas formed by […]